6. Command Line

Cling has its own command line, which looks like any other Unix shell. The emacs-like command line editor is what we call interactive command line or interactive shell.

Once we start Cling it automatically includes several header files and its own runtime universe. Thus it creates the minimal environment for the user to start.

6.1. Grammar

Cling is capable to parse everything that Clang can do. In addition, Cling can parse some interpreter-specific C++ extensions.

6.2. Metaprocessor

Cling Metaprocessor provides convenient and easy to use interface for changing the interpreter’s internal state or for executing handy commands. Cling provides the following metaprocessor commands:

syntax: .(command), where command is:

x filename.cxx

loads filename and calls void filename() if defined;

L library | filename.cxx

loads library or filename.cxx;


(DEBUG ONLY) shows the abstract syntax tree after each processed entity;

I path

adds an include path;


Cancels the multiline input;


Turns on cling’s dynamic extensions. This in turn enables the dynamic lookup and the late resolving of the identifier. With that option cling tries to heal the compile-time failed lookups at runtime.